We are excited to announce a new addition to our metal set lineup this week. D6 Sets.
We know there are many game systems that don't use a standard d20 rpg set, and that the need often arises for multiple die types with damage or spells. For that reason we've been working to make sure we can offer sets to fill that need. This is something the team at Dice Dungeons has wanted to do since we launched, and I'm excited to say the time has finally arrived.
Selecting some of our most popular designs we created these d6 sets that I think you are going to love. Each set comes with 6 dice included, as well as a quality black dice bag. The sets are solid metal, created with the same process as our original RPG sets.
The sets are perfect for d6 only systems like GURPs, Shadowrun, Fiasco, and Dungeon World. They are also great for rolling up new characters, or if you want add onto your existing set for extra damage from sneak attacks, or spells.
We will continue to add new sets as we can, so if you are looking for other system sets let us know in the comments.