How to Create a Mixed Species Character in D&D 2024 (Half-Elves, and Half-Orcs)

How to Create a Mixed Species Character in D&D 2024 (Half-Elves, and Half-Orcs)

Exploring Your Options

Players updating their character from the 2014 rules to 2024 in 5e may be shocked to discover that half-species (Half-Elves, Half-Orcs, etc.) no longer exist in the core rulebook. We wanted to take a moment to review the changes and cover how you can adjust your character as you move from 5e to the 2024 ruleset (5.5, 5r, or whatever people are it calling now!)

Creating mixed-species characters, like Half-Elves or Half-Orcs, has been a staple in many Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) campaigns for years. However, with the release of the 2024 Player’s Handbook (PHB), some of these classic options have shifted. If you're wondering how to create a mixed-species character under the new rules, you've come to the right place!

1. Legacy Half-Species: Using 2014 Rules in 2024

If you’ve been playing D&D for a while, you’re likely familiar with the 2014 version of Half-Elves and Half-Orcs. The good news is, these species are still usable in the 2024 edition, thanks to the game's backwards compatibility. However, there are a few key updates to note:

  • Ability Score Increases (ASI) are no longer tied to species but instead come from your character's background. So, when using legacy species, simply ignore the built-in ASI bonuses from the 2014 PHB.
  • If using DnDBeyond, once you change over your character sheet, or create a character with the new backgrounds that gives your ASIs you should no longer see the option of your race/species giving you an ASI.
  • You’ll still have access to the distinct traits of the 2014 Half-Elf or Half-Orc, like the Half-Elf’s Fey Ancestry or the Half-Orc’s Relentless Endurance.

How to do this:

  1. Choose a Half-Elf or Half-Orc from the 2014 edition.
  2. Ignore the species-specific ASI, as those now come from your background.
  3. Discuss with your Dungeon Master. Your DM may have additional tweaks they may want to include to fit the 2024 rules.

2. Customizing Mixed Species

The 2024 PHB does not include specific rules for creating mixed-species characters from different parentage, such as combining traits from two distinct species. However, the flexibility of D&D allows for creative roleplay solutions:

  • Pick One Parent Species’ Traits: You can select the traits of one parent species (such as Human or Elf), while roleplaying the appearance or cultural traits of the other species. This approach is simple, but it lets you preserve the mixed-heritage feel, while still giving access to the revised and often more powerful species abilities.

How to do this:

  1. Choose Base Species: Choose one species (e.g., Human) for your character’s mechanical traits.
  2. Roleplay and Flavor: Roleplay their other parent’s species through background, appearance, and flavor.
  3. Create an Origin Feat: Optionally, you can use your Origin Feat to reflect some qualities of the second parent species, such as taking the Skilled feat to mimic an Elf’s finesse or the Magic Initiate feat for a Tiefling, Dragonborn, or other arcane species.

3. Homebrewing Your Half-Species Characters

For players and DMs comfortable with homebrewing, you can take a more flexible approach by combining features from both parent species. While the 2024 rules don’t include a specific "mix and match" system, you can design one yourself.  For example, past Unearthed Arcana (UA) playtest materials, like the “Children of Different Humanoid Kinds” rules, could allow for mixing traits from two species.

Keep in mind all the 2024 ruleset is new, so tinkering with the rules out the gate could trap you with a underperforming or over powered species - so we recommend choosing this option with caution.  Be flexible and ready to retcon and/or tweak as needed to keep your games running smoothly and enjoyably for everyone involved.

How to do this:

  1. Choose Core Traits: Select one species’ core traits (e.g., a half-orc’s Relentless Endurance or a half-elf’s Fey Ancestry).
  2. Swap Appearance: You can make your character visually resemble the other parent species while keeping the core mechanics.
  3. Balance Features: If your DM agrees, you can pull one or two minor traits from the secondary species, balancing power and narrative impact.

Looking Ahead: Possible Updates in the Dungeon Master’s Guide

While the 2024 PHB does not offer official rules for mixed-species characters beyond legacy options, many players speculate that more guidance may appear in the upcoming Dungeon Master’s Guide (DMG). It’s worth keeping an eye out for this book to see if new customization options are introduced, especially since many of the flexible, background-based features may end up there.


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